Helper function for custom test blocks. Check whether a certain null hypothesis is not significantly rejected
test.H0( test.expr, p.value, test.name = "", alpha.warning = 0.05, alpha.failure = 0.001, short.message, warning.message, failure.message, success.message = "Great, I could not significantly reject the null hypothesis from the test '{{test_name}}', p.value = {{p_value}}!", check.warning = TRUE, part = NULL, ps = get.ps(), stud.env = ps$stud.env, ... )
test.expr | an expression that calls a test which will be evaluated in stud.env. The test must return a list that contains a field "p.value" |
p.value | Instead of providing test.expr, one can directly provide a p.value from a previously run test |
test.name | an optional test.name that can be used to fill the test_name whiskers in warning or failure messages. |
alpha.warning | default=0.05 a p.value below a warning is printed that the code may be wrong |
alpha.failure | default=0.001 the critical p.value below which the stud code is considered wrong |
short.message, failure.messages, | warning.messages Messages in case of a failure and warning and short message for the log.file |
check.warning | if FALSE don't check for a warning |
TRUE if H0 cannot be rejected, FALSE if not and "warning" if it can be weakly rejected