Generates .rps file, and .rmd files for empty ps , sample solution and output solution sol.file, = NULL, = "ENTER A USER NAME HERE", = "Jane Doe", dir = getwd(), header = "", footer = "", libs = NULL, stop.when.finished = FALSE, extra.code.file = NULL, var.txt.file = NULL, rps.has.sol = TRUE, fragment.only = TRUE, = FALSE, add.shiny = TRUE, make.rmd = TRUE, addons = NULL, = FALSE, wl = rtutor.default.whitelist(), use.memoise = FALSE, memoise.funs = rtutor.default.memoise.funs(), precomp = FALSE, preknit = FALSE, force.noeval = FALSE, = TRUE, table.max.rows = 25, round.digits = 8, signif.digits = 8, knit.print.opts = make.knit.print.opts( =, table.max.rows = table.max.rows, round.digits = round.digits, signif.digits = signif.digits), knitr.opts.chunk = list(dev = "svg"), e.points = 1, min.chunk.points = 0, chunk.points = 0, = TRUE, = FALSE, empty.task.txt = "# Enter your code here.", placeholder = "___", short.first.chunk = TRUE, stop.if.visual.mode.garbling = TRUE, bolden.part.counters = FALSE )
sol.file | file name of the _sol.rmd file that specifies the problem set |
---|---| | the name of the problem set | | can pick a default (will typically not be set) | | the set in the sample solution |
dir | the directory in which all files are found and wil be saved to |
libs | character vector with names of libraries that will be used by the problem set |
extra.code.file | the name of an r file that contains own functions that will be accessible in the problme set |
var.txt.file | name of the file that contains variable descriptions (see thee vignette for an explanation of the file format) |
rps.has.sol | shall the sample solution be stored in the .rps file. Set this option to FALSE if you use problem sets in courses and don't want to assess students the sample solution easily |
add.shiny | shall we compile the ps so that it can be shown as a web-based shiny app. Default is TRUE. Set FALSE if not needed to speed up compilation |
make.rmd | Shall a Rmd problem set file and sample solution file be generated. Default is TRUE You can set to FALSE if you only want a shiny version to slightly speed up compilation and avoid file clutter. |
use.memoise | shall functions like read.csv be memoised? Data sets then only have to be loaded once. This can make problem sets run faster. Debugging may be more complicated, however. |
memoise.funs | character vector of function names that will be memoised when use.memoise = TRUE. By default a list of functions that load data from a file. |
precomp | shall chunk environments be computed from sample solution when problem set is generated? Default = FALSE |
preknit | shall sample solution of chunks be knitted when problem set is generated. Default = FALSE |
force.noeval | shall problem set only be shown in noeval mode? (Used as a security against accidentially forgetting to set noeval=TRUE in, when showing the problem set in a web app.) | | shall data frames in shiny-based problem set be shown as html? Default is |
table.max.rows | How many rows of a printed data frame shall be shown? Default is 25. |
round.digits | Digits for rounding of shown data frames. |
signif.digits | Significant digits for shown data frames. |
knitr.opts.chunk | A list of global knitr chunk options for shiny problem set, see By default |
e.points | how many points does the user get per required expression in a chunk (expressions in a task do not count). Default=1 |
min.chunk.points | minimal points for checking a chunk even if no none-task expression has to be entered. By default=0.5. I feel there may be a higher motivation to continue a problem set if there are may be some free point chunks farther below. Also it feels nice to get points, even if it is just for pressing the check button. |
chunk.points | you may also specify fixed points given for solving a chunk that will be added to the points per expression. Default=0 | | if TRUE (default) the original code with placeholders of a fill in block will be shown in the output solution Rmd file as a comment before the solution. If FALSE only the solution will be shown. | | shall by default a hint be shown already if the correctness test fails. If FALSE (default) hints are only shown if the user types hint() or, in the shiny version, presses the hint button. |
empty.task.txt | A text that will be shown in chunks without any task block. Default is |
placeholder | The string you use as placeholder in fill_in blocks. By default |
short.first.chunk | If |
stop.if.visual.mode.garbling | If |
bolden.part.counters | if TRUE change lines that start with a) or b) etc to **a)** and **b)**. This turns-off auto enumeration and makes problem sets look nicer in visual markdown mode. |