Often it is useful to specify games such that players don't move simultaneously but a random player ap is chosen to be active in a given state.

  eq = g[["eq"]],
  ap.col = ifelse(has.col(eq, "ap"), "ap", NA)



the game object


the equilibrium, by default the last solved eq of g.


the column as a character in x.df that is the index of the active player. By default "ap".


The active player in a state x is defined by the variable ap in x.df and the original state by xgroup.

This function aggregates equilibrium outcomes from x to xgroup. For payoffs r1,r2,v1,v2 and U we take the mean over the payoffs given the two possible actvive players.

The columns move.adv1 and move.adv2 describe the difference in negotiation payoffs of a player when is the active player who can make a move compared to the other player being active.

Finally we create action labels by combining the actions chosen when a player is active.