Allows to study the game under the assumption that a player strongly prefers to chose one particular move of an action variable.

game_prefer_outcomes(game, player1 = NULL, player2 = NULL, player3 = NULL,
  ..., player.prefs = list(player1 = player1, player2 = player2, player3 =
  player3, ...))



A formula describing which utility levels should be added to the current utility function of player 1 (see example). If NULL we don't add utilities for player 1. Similar for the other players 2-4.


additional formulas for games with more than 4 players.


by default equal to list(player1,player2,player3, player4,...). Can be manually provided.


If you want to fix mixed strategies, use the he related function game_fix_action_preferences transforms the corresponding action into a move of nature.

For fixing pure strategies game_fix_action_preferences is preferable when using the gambit-logit solver that can find sequential equilibria, by using logit trembles.

See also