You need to install Gambit to use this function.

game_gambit_solve(game, gambit.command = NULL, mixed = FALSE,
  just.spe = TRUE, qre.lambda = NULL,
  gambit.dir = first.non.null(getOption("gtree.gambit.dir"), ""),
  efg.dir = NULL, efg.file = NULL, verbose = isTRUE(game$options$verbose
  >= 1), add.q.flag = TRUE, ...)



the game object created with new_game


A Gambit command line command with options but not file name. For example "gambit-enummixed -q" to compute all extreme point mixed equilibria. The different Gambit command line solvers are described here: If left as NULL a default gambit command line solver with appropriate arguments will be chosen, depending on your arguments for mixed and just.spe


relevant if no explicit gambit.command is given. If FALSE (default) only pure strategy equilibria will be computed, otherwise try to compute one mixed equilibrium.


if TRUE compute only SPE. If FALSE all NE will be computed.


if not NULL compute a logit QRE equilibrium using the gambit-logit solver and the specified value of lambda.


The directory where to find the Gambit command line solvers. Ideally, you put this directory into the search path of your system and can keep the default gambit.dir = "". To globally change the default directory adapt the following code options(gtree.gambit.dir = "/PATH/TO/GAMBIT")


To solve via Gambit we first write the game tree into an .efg file. If efg.dir is NULL (default), the file will be written to a temporary directory. But you can also specify a custom directory here, e.g. if you want to take a look at the file.


If NULL a default file name for the efg file will be generated based on the name of the game and the specified preferences. But you can specify a custom name here.


if TRUE show some extra information


The gambit command line solver should always be called with the option "-q" for gtree to be able to parse the returned output. If add.q.flag is TRUE we will add this flag if you have not yet added it to your gambit.command

See also